Thursday, January 12, 2012

Stuck at 135...

I'm on my 7th week on weight watchers and on my 5th week on boxing. So far, i have lost a total of 13 or so lbs. It's been confusing since when i first started this diet/lifestyle, I was using 3 different weighing scales. The one at home, at the gym and the freaky one at the doctor's office. At my doctor's, my weight was 154 lbs ( the main reason why i finally decided to go on at diet), at home was 147 and at the gym was 148. Since I've been using the one at the gym, i say about 13-14 lbs (since i swear it was 134 this morning). It's actually not so bad since you dont really lose 13 lbs eating sisig and lechon kawali on a day to day basis. But, I feel as if I am stuck at 135 lbs. My first goal is actually 130 ( in three months) and i have 5 weeks left. 5 weeks means 1 lb per week. And that is just too slow for me. I am used to dropping it way faster than that back when I use to crash diet.. But the reality is, it's just wayyyyyyyy to hard to lose weight!!!!!
I dont want to give up really,but starting next week I will be extra busy with session in congress resuming and all..... I dont know if i will have to time to go to the gym in the morning or even after work since I go home mostly at around 7 or 8 in the evening.
I'm gonna have to leave it all up to weight watchers for the next couple of weeks and hopefully it's as effective as how it has been for my aunt and my sister...
I can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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