Thursday, February 23, 2012

week 13

As usual i was not able to follow up with what I had for my valentine dinner. I have been so busy lately doing ---NOTHING. I daydream all day at work and cram at the last minute when I have deadlines. My hubby blames boxing for my laziness. He says I tire to easily these days that after my usual boxing routine in the morning, then cooking lunch for the household, my day is almost through during lunch time. Not that I am complaining, I actually enjoy my routine these past few months. Since the year started, I try-- try not to go out on weekdays, I go to the gym 6 days a week, I work 5 days a week (which starts at lunch time and ends most days at around 8:00Pm), I prepare lunch for the house and I try as much as possible to spend time with my boys. Compared to the past few years, I look forward now to sleeping early, I hate the thought of being out all night and well of course, I am deeply passionate with the new lifestyle as I like to call it and not a diet.

Weight Watchers week 13 and down to 18 points a day. I'm proud to say that I think I can really get used to this. I don't miss eating the way I use to and I am overwhlemed with the compliments. I have lost a total of 21 lbs. The pacing is just right, I realized. I lost it all in a total of three months. Still aiming with my ambisyosa goal of 108 lbs. So, I plan my meals now. And am learning to eat fruits on a regular basis. They are actually cheap during summer season here in the Philippines and I eat them mostly for snacks.

Still not used to blogging. But, I do this so I have a place to look back especially at times when I think about giving in temptations. (food mostly lol). So for the record here's what I had today :)

Daily Points Allowance : 18 pts
Oatmeal 1c = 2 pts
coffee w/o sugar = 0

boxing for 45 mins (heavy workout) = +5 points

1 c rice= 4
salad w/ 1tsp olive oil = 1
Lechon Paksiw (lol for this one) = 6
Slice of Mango = 1
Stir fried veggies 1/2 c = 1

Still have 7 points left for dinner :)

Really thinking of dragging the hubby to a shabu-shabu place tonight to celebrate!
Here's a before and after picture of me. I just had to upload it :)
Love Weight Watchers!!!!

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