Monday, June 15, 2015

Yoyo Weight--- back to 140lbs

May 2015, Burlingame, Ca
I am almost back to what I amusingly refer to as--my fat town. Back in 2012, i weighed 149lbs when I decided to get on the weight watchers bandwagon. After dropping a whopping 41 lbs after 8 months and kept it off for a short period of 2 years- I am almost back to where I started. It has been quite frustrating on my part, having worked so hard before -- I literally ate my way back in the last 2 years.

I blame this weight gain when I moved back to my mother's house. Back in our old home, I was in command of the daily menu in the house. I did the grocery and use to cook all the meals in the household. Due to unfortunate events in my life, I happily moved back to my mom's and well, things got out of hand since.

My mom and my sisters love to cook and eat GOOD food. We barely go out, since we decided that we're better cook that everyone else- lol. We're crazy about cheese, sausages and whole lotta Spanish food. We have a steady supply of chorizos in the house and during my last trip in the US, well, let just put it this way, my newly bought pants before I left DONT fit me anymore. 

I always say that weight watchers worked for me before because of two things-- exercise and discipline. I reached the point before where I'd go to the gym 6 times a week. I counted my meals, my points and rewarded myself every weekend those past 8 months. I never had a cheat day. I kept my little black book with me where I would list down what I ate for the day. I finished 4 notebooks those 8 months and after losing so much, I took it upon myself that I didnt need the damn notebook anymore. 

So, back to present day. I recently enrolled in a nearby gym and I have my black notebook with me again. So far, its an hour past lunch, and I am hungry. For the past year, I have unsuccessfully tried and tried to get right back on track with my diet. On the average, I usually let go after 3 weeks. I want to go further this time. I am challenging myself and I'd like to believe that I can once again control this. 

Hay, diet. so hard.  

Monday, January 26, 2015

2015 Resolution

1990ish photo of me, oh that's me in a blue man's shirt!

Time flies so fast. It was in 2012 when i started writing about my daily battle with my weight. so typical, since i can remember. I have gained, lost, gained. lost and now 2015, gained it all back again. From hitting my ultimate goal of 108lb, it slowly crept back to a whopping 130ish lbs. I havent had the courage to see what my actual weight is, so when I say 130ish- I really have no idea what the ISH stands for. 

Enough of that. I am convinced again that I can again do it. I have no plans of hitting the 108 lb weight that I once did, but this year is about being healthy and losing at least some of the weight that my friend tunini amusingly refers to me being a- fat ass. I am back on the Weight watchers bandwagon like I once did. and I am pretty optimistic that this year it will work out for me well just as how it was in 2012.  

So, wish me luck!
and oh theres a photo of me back in the 90s when i actually thought i was smoking hot. wahahahhahahahah


Monday, April 28, 2014

Yoyo cycle of my weight since 2008

Lately, I have been quite obsessed with my weight. I have gained, lost, gained, lost and gained again for the last 6 years. I have tried 3 kinds of diet so far for the last decade. The Atkins diet, Vegetarian Diet and lately, the most effective- the Weight Watchers Diet. I have gone from a coach potato to a full time gym rat and lately have been enjoying myself with the latest Zumba craze. Though I do not have the discipline I once had when it comes to exercising, I try my best to at  exercise for at least 3 times a week. It has been really HARD. The hardest part was actually trying to maintain the weight loss. Heaviest weight so far in this lifetime was a whopping 187 lbs (9mos on the way of course) and lowest so far was that of July 2012 at 108lbs. 
Bottom line is, its hard. Its hard to let go and feel bad about yourself. Its even harder when you reached your goal and feel confident that you can let go again (thinking youre an expert that you can easily lose it again). 
It a vicious cycle. 
Here I am back at 130lbs. Target weight, 115. 
God help me. 

2009 @130ish lbs

2008 149lbs

2010 140ish lbs
2011 130ish lbs

2008 134lbs

July 2012 108lbs 

2013 July 122lbs

2014 128lbs

Monday, May 27, 2013

Back to the 124th Lb

Its been quite a while since my last entry here. Things have been haywire ever since my boss filed his Certificate of Candidacy for his third term as Representative. We have been super busy in the office, and well, I also became too busy to mind my diet, which I have been so loyal to for the past 1 and so years.
Good thing is, my boss won. And I am proud to say that for the past 8 months, i only missed 2 months of going to the gym. Things are back to normal now. I have been hitting the boxing ring for almost two weeks now, but I resumed my diet just today. So far so good...
It's too early to say if I'm having a hard time with the diet. Though I wasnt really on an eating frenzy for the past months. I try to eat healthy foods, but I am guilty when it comes to alcohol. No, I am not an alcoholic.  I am neither in the denial stage (lol). But, when you're working so hard for the past couple of months it has been a routine for me and friends to grab a bottle or two almost every night until election day. Which is the primary suspect for by suddenly big belly. My clothes dont fit anymore. Even my gym clothes. I am once again, trying to get back on track. Avoid the drinking frenzy. and I am committed to once again, live healthy, eat healthy!

Will be posting pictures, restaurant good eats and "cheat" great eats for weight watchers fanactics like me.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

7th month on WW

Patience is really a virtue. 28 weeks or 7 months on weight watchers w/ boxing has really paid off. I have lost a total of 35 pounds. I am 4 lbs aways from the ultimate goal and I feel great! Still not used to the compliments but hell, much - way better than mistaken for being 7 months pregnant.

 I try to go to the gym atleast 4 times a week and still keep track of what I eat daily with my food journal. I am constantly challenged to go beyond my limits when its comes to my endurance, whereas before when I am almost out of breathe with running for just a minute, I am proud to say that it's really an achievement on my part, one who has never been inclined to any kind of sport, to be able to run 10 minutes straight. I dream of being a triathlete like my dad, but I try to be realistic, and take it a day at a time. I despise my nasty habit of smoking which I intend to quit anytime soon and I am hopeful that anytime soon I will actually learn how to swim. My usual routine at the gym is 30 minutes on the treadmill, 6 rounds in the boxing ring and then i lift weights. That's about it. Being enrolled at boxing for 7 months straight now, I am honestly getting bored most days. Although i still prefer boxing among any other form of exercise, I intend to maybe run, swim or go biking in the future.

 My Food journal. For 7 months straight, I have kept with me a food journal where I keep track of what i eat daily. At the end of the day, before i go to bed, I write in it what I have been consuming for the whole day. From 21 points in weight watchers, I am now down to 18. The lowest possible points for women in this program. I try to religously go to the gym because if I dont, I wouldnt be able to add extra points for the day. 18 points is not a lot. With boxing I am able to add more or less 4 points to my daily allowance in points. I know it sounds a lot of work when I talk about points, the points system with food but trust me, when you're on weight watchers for a month, you would memorize most foods like the back of your hand.

 In the end, the truth is, this really works. Since I started on WW, there is not a week that passed that I did not have alcohol. Me and the hubby, when we are not out drinking with friends, we have a bottle of beer or two at least once a week. I have given up sugar for the whole 6 months on WW and it was only about 2 weeks ago when I started eating desserts again. I still avoid the fatty and fried stuff but lately, I have been treating myself to a slice or 2 or pizza.

 I am almost there, 4 lbs to the 108th. I have never been this thin since the 90's. I intend to lose up to 107lbs, so I can eat it all back upto the 112th lb, my ideal weight. Whats my secret? PATIENCE, DISCIPLINE and CONTROL.
When hungry, tempted and depressed, my mentality is : NATIKMAN KO NA YAN ALAM KO NA LASA NIYAN! hahahahah.

 I will post here soon my great finds of weigh watcher friendly items. But in the meantime here are my favorite WW items:
1. 94% fat free popcorn ( jolly) -1pt per BAG. Yes the whole bag so don't share!
2. Beef pho of phoa, 1 regular serving (with just the flank) roughly 6-7 pts per bowl
3. Swiss miss diet 0. Yes 0 siya.
4. Pure foods corned beef with chilli garlic (the spicy variant) with 1/2 cabbage: 1 fat can 4.5 pts.    Believe me 1/2 c of this is enough to keep you stuffed.
5. Starbucks tall iced latte with non fat milk and 2 splendas (my ate thinks 3 is better, but it's way too sweet) = 2 pts.
6. Nestle fat free, sugar free ice cream 1 cup 2 points (sold at all mercury grocery type branches)
7. One one biscuit spicy flavor one pack 1pt
8. Corn on the cob 1 pt
9. Mcdo cheeseburger 7 pts
10. Lucky me sotanghon lite small wet cup = 2 pts. :)

 My favorite low point Filipino dishes home cooked of course:
1. Chicken pochero with 2 drumsticks , 1/2 c sauce and tons of veggies 4 pts
2. Adobo Pusit 1 c 3pts
3. Sinigang or steamed shrimp 1 c 2-3 pts
4. Adobo chicken drumsticks 2 pcs - 2 pts
5. Chicken tinola 1 c - 3-4 pts
6. Pork ribs Sinigang, 1c soup, load of veggies 2 pcs ribs- 4 pts
7. Bangus inihaw 1 c 4 pts
8. Inihaw liempo one piece without fat 4 pts
9. Fish tausi 1 c 4 pts
10. Sinampalukang Manok 1 c 4 pts

I will try to post more great finds for WW friendly items soon! :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

week 13

As usual i was not able to follow up with what I had for my valentine dinner. I have been so busy lately doing ---NOTHING. I daydream all day at work and cram at the last minute when I have deadlines. My hubby blames boxing for my laziness. He says I tire to easily these days that after my usual boxing routine in the morning, then cooking lunch for the household, my day is almost through during lunch time. Not that I am complaining, I actually enjoy my routine these past few months. Since the year started, I try-- try not to go out on weekdays, I go to the gym 6 days a week, I work 5 days a week (which starts at lunch time and ends most days at around 8:00Pm), I prepare lunch for the house and I try as much as possible to spend time with my boys. Compared to the past few years, I look forward now to sleeping early, I hate the thought of being out all night and well of course, I am deeply passionate with the new lifestyle as I like to call it and not a diet.

Weight Watchers week 13 and down to 18 points a day. I'm proud to say that I think I can really get used to this. I don't miss eating the way I use to and I am overwhlemed with the compliments. I have lost a total of 21 lbs. The pacing is just right, I realized. I lost it all in a total of three months. Still aiming with my ambisyosa goal of 108 lbs. So, I plan my meals now. And am learning to eat fruits on a regular basis. They are actually cheap during summer season here in the Philippines and I eat them mostly for snacks.

Still not used to blogging. But, I do this so I have a place to look back especially at times when I think about giving in temptations. (food mostly lol). So for the record here's what I had today :)

Daily Points Allowance : 18 pts
Oatmeal 1c = 2 pts
coffee w/o sugar = 0

boxing for 45 mins (heavy workout) = +5 points

1 c rice= 4
salad w/ 1tsp olive oil = 1
Lechon Paksiw (lol for this one) = 6
Slice of Mango = 1
Stir fried veggies 1/2 c = 1

Still have 7 points left for dinner :)

Really thinking of dragging the hubby to a shabu-shabu place tonight to celebrate!
Here's a before and after picture of me. I just had to upload it :)
Love Weight Watchers!!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Preparing for Valentine's Dinner

It's that time of the year again. The tradition of buying over priced flowers and having fancy dinners for Valentine's Day. This year, me and the hubby will be spending it with another couple at a newly opened some kinda fancy resto in Marikina.
If you ask me, Php 2,500.00 is quite pricey for a sit down dinner, but Hubby says maybe its worth a try since there has been many great review on the place.
Being on weight watchers, I called the resto in advance and inquired about the Valentine Dinner. Here are the choices with weight watchers points:

Appetizer: mushroom poppers 6 pcs : 3 pts
Soup: cream of asparagus abt 1/2 c : 3 pts
salad. : mango and crab salad 1 serving, 1/2 c : 3pts
Main course: beef tenderloin medallion : 7 pts
Salmon steak 4 oz. :7 pts
Shrimp Thermidor. : 18 ( not so sure with this)
Dessert: mango flambé - points I have no idea honestly and didn't bother researching lol
Glass of wine : 2

I will probably be having the wine, soup, salad and the beef for a total of 15 points... I know it's a lot but if they let us order something else besides the set menu, I'll probably order a la carte.

Weight watchers is really a lot work. What makes it effective and most days easy is when you plan your meals. Will blog tomorrow about what I actually have for dinner. Will also work double time at the gym to be able to afford a nice dinner tomorrow :)

In the meantime, here's what I had today:

Coffee w/o sugar :0
Mangoes : 2

Boxing for 1 hour (mod exercise): plus 4 points

1 c rice: 4
1 pc sardine: 1
Tuna 1/2 c: 3
2 pcs chicken drumstick : 2

1 pandesal with spread : 3
Coke zero:0
Watermelon : 2
1/2 c rice : 2
Tuna 1/2 c: 3
Eggplant 1/2 c cooked in 1 tsp oil: 1
Kimchi : o

Total points consumed: 23 pts minus 4 (from boxing): total for today 19pts

will have a cup of diet coco later from Swiss miss: 0 pt!
Love weight watchers!!!!!