Monday, May 27, 2013

Back to the 124th Lb

Its been quite a while since my last entry here. Things have been haywire ever since my boss filed his Certificate of Candidacy for his third term as Representative. We have been super busy in the office, and well, I also became too busy to mind my diet, which I have been so loyal to for the past 1 and so years.
Good thing is, my boss won. And I am proud to say that for the past 8 months, i only missed 2 months of going to the gym. Things are back to normal now. I have been hitting the boxing ring for almost two weeks now, but I resumed my diet just today. So far so good...
It's too early to say if I'm having a hard time with the diet. Though I wasnt really on an eating frenzy for the past months. I try to eat healthy foods, but I am guilty when it comes to alcohol. No, I am not an alcoholic.  I am neither in the denial stage (lol). But, when you're working so hard for the past couple of months it has been a routine for me and friends to grab a bottle or two almost every night until election day. Which is the primary suspect for by suddenly big belly. My clothes dont fit anymore. Even my gym clothes. I am once again, trying to get back on track. Avoid the drinking frenzy. and I am committed to once again, live healthy, eat healthy!

Will be posting pictures, restaurant good eats and "cheat" great eats for weight watchers fanactics like me.

Wish me luck!

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