Monday, June 15, 2015

Yoyo Weight--- back to 140lbs

May 2015, Burlingame, Ca
I am almost back to what I amusingly refer to as--my fat town. Back in 2012, i weighed 149lbs when I decided to get on the weight watchers bandwagon. After dropping a whopping 41 lbs after 8 months and kept it off for a short period of 2 years- I am almost back to where I started. It has been quite frustrating on my part, having worked so hard before -- I literally ate my way back in the last 2 years.

I blame this weight gain when I moved back to my mother's house. Back in our old home, I was in command of the daily menu in the house. I did the grocery and use to cook all the meals in the household. Due to unfortunate events in my life, I happily moved back to my mom's and well, things got out of hand since.

My mom and my sisters love to cook and eat GOOD food. We barely go out, since we decided that we're better cook that everyone else- lol. We're crazy about cheese, sausages and whole lotta Spanish food. We have a steady supply of chorizos in the house and during my last trip in the US, well, let just put it this way, my newly bought pants before I left DONT fit me anymore. 

I always say that weight watchers worked for me before because of two things-- exercise and discipline. I reached the point before where I'd go to the gym 6 times a week. I counted my meals, my points and rewarded myself every weekend those past 8 months. I never had a cheat day. I kept my little black book with me where I would list down what I ate for the day. I finished 4 notebooks those 8 months and after losing so much, I took it upon myself that I didnt need the damn notebook anymore. 

So, back to present day. I recently enrolled in a nearby gym and I have my black notebook with me again. So far, its an hour past lunch, and I am hungry. For the past year, I have unsuccessfully tried and tried to get right back on track with my diet. On the average, I usually let go after 3 weeks. I want to go further this time. I am challenging myself and I'd like to believe that I can once again control this. 

Hay, diet. so hard.